Belhus Cricket Club News story

Peter Bright - RIP

28 Jul 2023

It is with sadness that we inform members of the passing of Peter Bright today (28th July) at the age of 73 following a short illness.

Most of you will know Peter for the many years he spent as groundsman at both North Stifford and Ockendon Recreational Ground. His tireless dedication in maintaining a high class facility for all members is something we will be forever grateful for. His grandchildren also played for Belhus.

He will be remembered fondly for his friendly demeanour, playful humour and never shying away from sharing his thoughts and opinions. He would, for many, be the first person who welcomed them when they arrived at either ground.

Although Peter had recently moved away to be closer to his daughter, he still kept in touch with us and was seen at Belhus matches earlier in the summer. His love for Belhus never left him and our love for Peter will continue long into the future.

Our thoughts are with all Peter’s family at this sad time and we send our best wishes to all - especially Janet, Colin, Gavin, Owen, Rhiannan, James and Jonathan.

As Peter had no arrangements in place relating to his funeral, his family had recently set up a funding page to assist with covering the costs. For anyone able to contribute, please use the following link: Peter Bright Funeral